AY Honors/Wilderness Leadership - Advanced/Requirements
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
1. Have the following honors:
2. Know and practice the principles of camouflage and tracking.
3. What physical and mental preparations are necessary before a wilderness experience?
4. Demonstrate some skills necessary for wilderness leadership in two of the following areas not completed for the Wilderness Leadership honor:
- a. Tropical
- b. Desert
- c. Swamp
- d. Mountain (rocks, ice, high altitude)
- e. Plain and tundra
- f. Temperate forest
5. Demonstrate the construction and operation of two types of snares or traps.
6. Know the points of consideration in the following types of travel:
- a. Glacial
- b. Mountain
- c. Snow
- d. Water
7. Understand the principles of developing a faith in divine leadership as outlined in Psalms 91.
8. Understand what steps should be taken for the survival of the wilderness.
9. Assist in instructing one honor listed in requirement 1 of the Wilderness Leadership honor.
10. Build a shelter from non-living but natural materials (such as a debris hut).
11. Plan and participate in a week's wilderness camping experience, applying the principles and skills learned in this honor.