Categoría:Especialidades JA/Conexión a Logras para la Investidura

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This Category should include all AY Honors that:

  1. Are specifically required to complete a basic or advanced Investiture Achievement Level
  2. Are one of several options specifically required to complete a basic or advanced Investiture Achievement Level
  3. Contain requirements that are directly called out in the IA curricula
  4. Are closely related to IA curricula because a Pathfinder completes major honor requirements while completing an IA level

Each linked Honor has a box near the top that explains how it is related to the IA requirements.

These are Honors that Pathfinder Leaders should plan to incorporate (in whole or in part) into their plans.

The dedicated Pathfinder may use this information to get a jump on current or future Investiture Achievement requirements they will need to meet. Pathfinders may also use this category to identify AY Honors they can quickly complete after doing the IA work that fulfills one or more major requirements of the AY Honor.

Pages in category "Categoría:Especialidades JA/Conexión a Logras para la Investidura"

The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.