Respuestas para la especialidad JA de Mayordomía usados por la Asociación General

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Autoridad de aprobación

División Norteamericana

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Crecimiento espiritual, actividades misioneras y herencia
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
Año de introducción


Descubrir en la Biblia los principios de mayordomía al responder las siguientes preguntas:


¿Qué significa 1 Corintios 6:19 y 20 acerca de la mayordomía del cuerpo?

Or don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
-- 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 (World English Bible)


¿Qué significa Mateo 25:15 acerca de la mayordomía de los talentos?

To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one; to each according to his own ability. Then he went on his journey.
-- Matthew 25:15 (World English Bible)


¿Qué es lo que Colosenses 4:5 quiere decir acera de la mayordomía del tiempo?

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.
-- Colossians 4:5 (NIV)


¿Qué significa Juan 3:16 acerca de qué Dios dio al mundo?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
-- John 3:16 (World English Bible)


¿Qué nos dice Salmo 24:1 acerca de quién es el propietario de la tierra?

The earth is Yahweh’s, with its fullness;

the world, and those who dwell therein.
-- Psalms 24:1 (World English Bible)


¿Qué significa Génesis 1:26 acerca de quién es el mayordomo de la tierra?

God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
-- Genesis 1:26 (World English Bible)


¿Qué significa Proverbios 3:9 acerca de quién debe ser siempre primero?

Honor Yahweh with your substance,

with the first fruits of all your increase
-- Proverbs 3:9 (World English Bible)


¿Cómo se sabe que el diezmo significa una décima parte? (Génesis 28:22)

"And this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
-- Genesis 28:22 (NIV)


¿Qué dice Levítico 27:30 acerca de quién le pertenece el diezmo?

All the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is Yahweh’s. It is holy to Yahweh.
-- Leviticus 27:30 (World English Bible)


¿Cómo dice Malaquías 3:8 que se puede robar a Dios?

Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In tithes and offerings.
-- Malachi 3:8 (World English Bible)


¿Qué dice 1 Corintios 9:13 y 14 sobre el uso del diezmo?

Don’t you know that those who serve around sacred things eat from the things of the temple, and those who wait on the altar have their portion with the altar? Even so the Lord ordained that those who proclaim the Good News should live from the Good News.
-- 1 Corinthians 9:13, 14 (World English Bible)


¿Cómo se sabe que el diezmo es diferente a las ofrendas? (Malaquías 3:8)

In this verse, tithes and offerings are referenced individually. See the reference in section i for the text.


¿Qué nos menciona 1 Corintios 16:2 en relación a cómo se debe dar las ofrendas?

On the first day of the week, let each one of you save, as he may prosper, that no collections be made when I come.
-- 1 Corinthians 16:2 (World English Bible)


¿Qué es lo que dice Mateo 6:20 acerca de dónde mantener nuestros tesoros?

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal;
-- Matthew 6:20 (World English Bible)


¿Qué dice 2 Corintios 9:7 acerca de nuestra actitud al dar?

Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.
-- 2 Corinthians 9:7 (World English Bible)


¿Qué bendición está prometida en Malaquías 3:10?

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this,” says Yahweh of Armies, “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough for.
-- Malachi 3:10 (World English Bible)


Leer y discutir con su consejero o pastor sobre las siguientes: sección IV (pág. 117 a 136); párrafos 1 y 2, pág. 16, y el párrafo 1, pág. 70 de Consejos sobre mayordomía cristiana escrito por Elena G. de White.

También puede comprar el libro aquí.


Aprender lo que se hace con el diezmo en su iglesia local, su asociación local, su unión y la Asociación General.

This working policy, published by the General Conference describes how tithe may and may not be used by the local churches, local conferences, unions, divisions, and the General Conference itself. It would be good for you as the instructor to download and read it in its entirety, but a short summary is provided below.

Tithe is to be collected by the local churches, and all of it is to be forwarded to the local conference. Local churches are under no circumstances to retain any portion of the tithe. Local conferences in turn take a portion of the tithe for the uses listed below, and forward the remainder to the union. The union does the same, forwarding the remainder to the division, and the division forwards the remainder to the GC.

Acceptable Uses

  1. Support of Pastors, Evangelists, Ministers
  2. World Missions
  3. Soul-winning Support Personnel
  4. Conference/Mission Operating Expense
  5. Literature Evangelist Benefit Fund
  6. Subsidies for Specified Activities (such as youth evangelism camps)
  7. Evangelistic and Conference/Mission Office Equipment
  8. Bible/Religion Teaching and Support Personnel in Schools
  9. Retired Employees

Unacceptable Uses

  1. Capital Expenditures for Buildings and Churches
  2. Equipment (other than for conference/mission use)
  3. Local Church Operating Expense
  4. School Operating Expense


Aprender de su pastor, tesorero o primer anciano acerca del presupuesto de su iglesia, qué metas financieras su iglesia debe alcanzar y el propósito de cada apartado que aparece en el sobre de diezmos y ofrenda de su iglesia.

Ask for this information well ahead of time so that the pastor, treasurer, or elder does not have to scramble to gather the information for you. Adventist churches generally have a budget which is approved by the local church in business session. If a copy of the budget is not handy, this information can also be gleaned from a finance report presented by the church treasurer during regular church board meetings.


Mantener un gráfico sobre cómo usted pasa su tiempo por un fin de semana y un día entre la semana. En una tabla, hacer una lista de cuánto tiempo utiliza en las siguientes áreas:
a. Trabajo pagado
b. Tiempo familiar
c. Devoción personal
d. Culto público
e. Culto familiar
f. Actividades de diversión
g. Lectura
h. Televisión
i. Comidas
j. Dormir
k. Necesidades personales
l. Tiempo de clase
m. Tiempo de estudio escolar
n. Viajes
o. Lección de música
p. Práctica de música
q. Tareas del hogar

r:. Compra
Para cada uno de los 3 días, estar seguro de que el tiempo suma las 24 horas. Después de completar el cuadro, hablar con su pastor o consejero de su responsabilidad en la administración de su tiempo.

If you find yourself spending time on things that do not fall in the categories above (such as the Internet), make an additional category. The discussion aspect of this requirement can be met by having a group discussion with the honor instructor. Encourage all to participate.


Realizar una de las siguientes:


Si tiene un trabajo con ingreso o un subsidio, hacer una lista de cómo gasta su dinero durante un mes.


Si no se encuentra en la categoría anterior, hacer una lista de cómo gastaría un ingreso de $50 al mes en las siguientes categorías:
i. Ropa
ii. Entretenimiento
iii. Comer fuera de casa
iv. Regalos
v. Artículos personales (artículos de tocador)
vi. Suministros de la escuela
vii. Diezmos y ofrendas
viii. Transporte

From your list determine what percentage of your total income is spent on each item. After completing the chart and percentages, discuss with your pastor or coun­selor the advantages of a budget and how to stay within a budget.

The advantage of a budget is that it allows you to think objectively about your priorities and record them. It is difficult to be objective in the store when you're looking at the latest electronic "must have" gadget. Budgeting helps to control impulse buying, and if the budget is followed, it ensures that your spending is in line with your priorities. It also helps avoid the problem of running out of money before payday, because you know ahead of time how much to keep back for essential items (such as food and gas).

When making a budget, the essential expenses (including tithe!) are dealt with first. Be sure to include money for expenses that occur on a larger time scale than the budget period. Examples include income taxes and insurance payments. These are often due annually or semi-annually, but you should set aside money every month for them so that when they are due, you don't have to take money out of the budget elsewhere to cover them.

After the essentials are taken care of, discretionary spending can be added. It's also a good idea to budget for savings and investments.

After making out a new budget and trying to live with it for a month or two, it may become apparent that you forgot to budget for something. If this happens, adjust the budget (but do it in writing!) Do not adjust the budget on the fly (especially when you are in a store considering a purchase). The key to sticking to a budget is resisting purchases that are not on the budget. If you see something you've "got" to have, and it's not in the budget, stop! Don't buy it! Save your money for it, and buy it only after you have the money in hand.

Many Christians find it easier to stick to a budget if they have made it a subject of daily prayer.


A través de la Biblia y los escritos de Elena G. de White, determinar qué instrucción se ha dado en relación con la variedad y el uso de los talentos que Dios da.

The material presented in requirements one and two summarize this topic very well.


Hacer una lista de 3 talentos o habilidades que usted posee, como la construcción de cosas, mecánica, jardinería, pintura o dibujo, escritura, conversación, música, la enseñanza, costura, etc. Elegir uno de estos 3 talentos y hacer un proyecto para ayudar a desarrollar el talento aún más. Su proyecto debe seguir estas pautas:

If none of the examples listed in this requirement inspire your group, take a look at all the other honors available for Pathfinders to earn. All honors are intended to develop some skill or knowledge that can be used to benefit others. Look especially in the Arts, Crafts and Hobbies, Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage, Outdoor Industries, and Vocational categories.


El proyecto ha de ser un beneficio o de alcance a otros.

This precludes club fund raisers, unless the point of the funds raised are to go to a humanitarian cause (such as a mission trip, or disaster relief). Fund raisers for a new club trailer or camping equipment do not qualify.


El proyecto debe ser un nuevo plan que antes usted no haya realizado.

One interpretation of this requirement is that the Pathfinder is not to try to count something that has already been done. Another is that the activity be something new to the Pathfinder - something that he or she has never done before. The program can, however, be something that you were already planning to do.


Pasar por lo menos 5 horas en la planificación y ejecución del proyecto.

Five hours seems scary at first, but if you look at the things you have done in the past, you will find that there are several fun activities that take more than five hours. Remind your Pathfinders of this. Our club recently earned the cake decorating honor during a lock-in. We stayed up well past midnight decorating more cakes than we would be able to eat ourselves in two weeks, and we did this all in one night. The next morning we delivered the cakes to a shelter, where they were gratefully received.


Presentar un informe escrito u oral a su consejero acerca de su proyecto.

This presentation could be part of the opening exercises of a regular club meeting, or it can be presented to the instructor. It should be done after the activity has been completed.

For more project ideas, see the Adventurer for Christ, Personal Evangelism, and Bible Evangelism honors. There is nothing that says you can't use the activity to count for the requirements of more than one honor or AY activity. For instance, the Voyager curriculum requires that a party for the handicapped by planned and executed. This would be a perfect way to meet the requirement of this honor, one (or more) of the others listed here, and the AY requirement as well.
