Investiture Achievement/Guide/Serving Others
Standard Level ![Strip invest guide.jpg](/images/7/7b/Strip_invest_guide.jpg)
IMPORTANT NOTE: These GUIDE and FRONTIER GUIDE Serving Others requirements have not to been updated to match changes to the AY honors. In an effort to follow the originally intended requirements we have shown the honor requirements as they existed when the Investiture Achievements were last updated. We point you to the correct new or revised honors.
If you are going to go earn one of these honors to meet the FRONTIER GUIDE requirements, and you live in North America, it would be appropriate to substitute the updated and/or North American version for the listed honor options.
- For Pathfinders outside North America the Urban Development and Rural Development were combined and renamed Community Development.
Also, there is a General Conference-ADRA version of these Honors and a North American-Community Serrvice version with some differences.
Requirement 1 |
Fulfill one of the following honor requirements:
For your reference, the requirements are listed here:
Requirement #3 of the Crisis Intervention reads:
3. Describe for your instructor some of the human needs and crisis situations that teenagers in your community face today. Describe some of the crisis situations that families face. This may be done in a group discussion setting.
Requirement #3 of the Urban Development Honor used to read:
3. Interview the pastor or Adventist Community Services leader or Inner City Program coordinator in an inner-city Seventh-day Adventist Church and ask how the church is meeting the needs of the poor in the community. Take notes during the interview.
Template:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Problematic requirement You should prethink the questions, but be flexible with followup questions too. The interview can be in person, by phone or other electronic means. Be sure to take notes and thank the person for their time.
Requirement #3 of the Teaching Honor reads:
3. Interview at least two teachers with the following questions:
a. Why did you choose to become a teacher?
b. What part of teaching do you like the best?
c. What part of teaching do you like the least?
d. What do you do to get ready for a school year?
e. What do you do to get ready for a school day?
f. What teacher-related activities do you do after school is out each day?
g. What are some qualities of a good teacher?
h. What are the responsibilities and duties of a teacher?
Requirement #3 of the Rural Development Honor reads:
3. Read what Ellen White has written about why we have the poor with us in Desire of Ages, Chapter 70, entitled “The Least of These My Brethren”. Summarize what you have learned from this chapter in 50 words or less.
You can read Chapter 70 online - follow the link.
For instruction and tips on meeting the requirements, please see the honors in the AY Honors linked.
Requirement 2 |
Fulfill one of the following honor requirements:
For your reference, the requirements of each Honor are listed here
Requirement #4 of the Crisis Intervention Honor reads:
4. Discuss your own motives for wanting to help your friends when they face personal or family crisis. What about strangers? This may be done in a group discussion setting.
Requirement #5 of the Urban Development Honor used to read:
5. Spend at least four hours in one of the following field trips as a participant observer:
Template:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Problematic requirement
a. Go out with a street ministry team that provides food and/or blankets or coats to the homeless in an urban neighborhood
b. Go out with a health screening van that operates in an urban neighborhood.
c. Go out with a Christian work team that is repairing or building urban housing for the poor.
d. Work in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter in an urban neighborhood.
e. Volunteer in an Adventist Community Services center located in an urban neighborhood.
See Requirement #6 of Community Improvement Honor for guidance.
Requirements #5 and 6 of the Teaching Honor read:
(choose the appropriate requirement based on your age)
5. If you are 16 years old or younger, do the following for a minimum of 40 minutes per week for three weeks.
a. Assist a teacher in designing and preparing a bulletin board.
b. Assist a teacher in preparing learning aids.
c. With the supervision of a teacher, teach a child or class at least one concept.
6. If you are older than 16 years, do three of the following:
a. Teach an adult's or children's Sabbath School class for a minimum of six weeks.
b. Teach in one day in each department of Vacation Bible School.
c. Teach two Honors from the Honors Handbook.
d. Assist in teaching requirements for one of the AY classes, culminating in investiture.
e. Teach at least one year in an elementary or secondary school or in a college.
Requirement #5 of the Rural Development Honor reads:
5. Participate in one of the following field trips or group projects:
a. Go on a mission trip to a disadvantaged rural area in another country or within your own nation.
b. Raise funds and contribute to the contents of an ADRA-kids-box of your choice
c. A 24-hour group fast and educational “lock-in” session with your youth group focused on understanding the needs of the poor in developing nations, and designed to raise funds for rural development.
For further instruction and tips on meeting the chosen requirements, please see the honors in the AY Honors linked in each requirement.
Frontier Guide ![Guide Ribbon.jpeg](/images/thumb/4/4a/Guide_Ribbon.jpeg/150px-Guide_Ribbon.jpeg)
Requirement 3 |
Complete Guide requirements |
You must complete the requirements listed above this one on the current page.
Requirement 4 |
Complete one of the following honors, not previously earned:
Follow the links for both the requirements and helps for completing each of these honors
- Crisis Intervention is designed for North American Pathfinders. The similar honor Conflict Resolution is the applicable honor for the rest of the world. Much of it is the same, but there are some major differences.
- Urban Development Honor is obsolete. Don't try to earn it as you may not be able to get an honor token.
- Teaching Honor
- Rural Development Honor (this honor is obsolete outside North America)
We believe that for Pathfinders outside North America the Community Development Honor would also be acceptable because it is a combination of the old Urban Development and Rural Development Honors. For Pathfinders inside North America the Community Improvement Honor would be acceptable as it replaced the old Urban Development Honor.